Join LiUNA Local 506

How to join LiUNA Local 506

Join Local 506 as an Existing Skilled Worker

Local 506 welcomes new members with proof of relevant construction trade skills and safety training.
Click on the link or contact us;

Phone: 416-638-0506

Join Local 506 as a New Member through an Apprenticeship Program

Click the link and complete/submit the form that appears. You will be contacted via email with further instructions.

Join Local 506 as a Trade Show Worker

Click the link and complete/submit the form that appears. You will be contacted via email with further instructions.

Benefits of Joining LiUNA Local 506

Proudly serving a wide range of workers in the I.C.I. and Industrial sectors. LiUNA Local 506 represents more than 8000 members. Our mandate is to continue to improve the well-being of all working families and to ensure fair treatment in the workplace.

As a member of Local 506, you belong to an organization of workers who banded together to promote their common interests. One person standing alone may be weak, but all of us joined together have strength. The Union speaks with one voice on behalf of all its’ members. All of us joined together have strength!

Members are community leaders, builders and difference makers. From pay to training to retirement, our members live better.


We help build careers by providing the best continuing education systems in the world. With numerous courses that open the door to new opportunities and provide members with valuable skills. Classes are available throughout the year across all of our sectors.

Health and Wellness

LiUNA Local 506 members enjoy one of the best health and dental care benefits plans in the community. It’s not a coincidence, it’s our way. When we sit down to negotiate with your employer, we pay as much attention to your benefits as your wages. LiUNA benefit plans typically maintain your coverage if you are not able to work because of temporary illness, disability or layoff, so that your family’s health care is not affected.

More security

Job security Every union seeks job security for its members but LiUNA Local 506 is more effective in this than most.

Here’s why: In the construction sector, the more skills and up-to-date experience you have, the greater your security. No other union comes even close to LiUNA’s commitment to giving its members more opportunities through skills training. Employers know that LiUNA-trained workers are the best.

Income security Members of LiUNA Local 506 see the difference our union makes in every paycheck. We are always seeking fair and equitable compensation along with a respectable pension for our members.


We demand that our hardworking members be treated with respect and dignity. We are proud of our heritage as a diverse union of men and women who share the dream of a better life for themselves and their loved ones.

Apprenticeship Programs